Sirona Anti-Acne Face Wash Review


Sirona Anti-Acne Face Wash Review

Product Description:

Problem: Acne occurs frequently due to hormonal changes, periods, stress, pollution, and excessive use of makeup.

Solution: Sirona Anti-acne Face wash deeply cleanses the skin to remove impurities and prevent regular acne breakouts. It unclogs the pores, reduces excessive oil production, calms inflammation and redness to give a healthy skin.

It contains Neem and Tea Tree Oil that have antimicrobial properties to inhibit acne-causing bacteria. Antioxidant-rich Green Tea controls sebum production and calms reactive skin, while Aloe Vera reduces redness, heals the skin and provides moisture. After every wash, Sirona Anti-acne Face Wash leaves your skin fresher and clearer without stripping it of its natural oils.

It is dermatologically tested and suitable for all skin types.


249/- for 125 ml

Shelf Life:

2 Years

Directions to use:

Wet the face and take a small amount of the face wash. Apply on face and gently massage in circular motion for a minute. Wash and pat dry. For best results, use twice a day.

Follow-up with Sirona Anti-acne Face Serum for a clearer skin.


Packaging & Consistency:

The product comes in a flip-top cap tube which closes tightly and is travel-friendly. The packaging is decent and very convenient to use.


The consistency of the face wash is that of a light green translucent gel ,with a mild neem-like smell.


This Face wash is a mild cleanser which does the job just enough. I have an oily acne-prone skin which is bit on a sensitive side too. The face wash is not that great of a cleanser for oily skin and does not deep-cleanse the skin, which is very important in order to prevent acne. I did not find it effective enough to remove oil and dirt from the face.

It did not prevent any acne. In fact, only using this face wash in-turn led to more acne since the face didn't seem to get the proper cleansing it requires. So, not at all suitable for oily acne-prone skin (contrary to its name).

It is a mild non-drying face wash so it might be suitable for people with Dry or Normal skin. 

The smell is mild and doesn't irritate the nose.

Will I repurchase it? No, it didn't suit my oily skin.

Image source: Google and Phone Camera 


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